Monday, 3 September 2012

7 Uses of Cayenne Pepper

The fiery bite of cayenne pepper can make food sting with flavour, but did you know that this dried spice also has many practical uses around the home too?
Here are seven ways you can put cayenne to work around your home. 
  1.  Protect your bird feeder: Birds are immune to the sting of chilli peppers, while we mammals are most certainly not. By adding a little cayenne to your bird feed, you can ensure the food goes to the birds, while bullying squirrels are kept at bay. 
  2. Get rid of ants: Ants are insidious creatures, exploiting any opening in your home to get at your food. Try cayenne pepper for a natural ant control solution. 
  3. Curb kitty's curiosity: cats are fiends for cables and cords. If you'd like to cure a curious cat of its chewing habit, rub a raw, sliced hot pepper on your cords, or whip up a quick hot sauce. 
  4. Protect your garden; If rabbits and rodents are chewing through your garden at night, you can protect your plants with a simple mixture of cayenne and water. Fill a spray bottle with the mixture and keep your plants coated, sending thumper to your neighbours yard in search for a free meal. 
  5. Reduce joint pain: Capsaicin, the burn-inducing substance in hot peppers, is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, topical application of capsaicin can ease achy joints caused by arthritis. 
  6. Cure scaly skin: According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, capsaicin cream can help reduce itching and skin inflammation caused by psoriasis. 
  7. Lose weight: Although we dont officially endorse it, quite a few celebrities have lost weight quickly on a diet of cayenne pepper "lemonade" and water. Some studies claim that cayenne works as an appetite suppressant. Check first with your doctor. 

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